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Your mind is not the originator of thoughts but is the receiver of thoughts. The position and tone of your spine is like the position and tone of an antenna, it needs to be tuned in to pick-up and transmit signals with clarity.  The spinal cord is an extension of your brain that runs through the length of your spine. It is particularly sensitive to tension and tone and can be considered quite literally the 'back of your mind'.


When your spine is out of alignment the information received and transmitted may not be accurate due to interference in your system. You become physiologically, mentally and emotionally less flexible and have to 'effort' more to compensate. This is less efficient and requires the use of more energy and resources that would otherwise be necessary. This can be felt as fatigue and symptoms may also develop as a result.


When your spine is out of alignment there is interference in your system

In contrast, when your spine is in alignment you have more clarity. Your spine becomes more flexible and you express this by becoming more flexible in your life!  You learn new strategies which enable you to choose how to navigate life's challenges with greater ease, rather than react, resist and struggle with what feels uncomfortable. When you are in alignment with yourself and your environment, the 'path of least resistance' can be surprising!


When the position, tension and tone of your spine resonates with the vibration and rhythm that is uniquely you, it receives and moves energy and information with greater clarity through your system.  You come into alignment with yourself and the world around you.  You become who you are really here to be.

We help you to come into alignment with who you are truly here to be!

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