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The Purpose of Symptoms

Symptoms present themselves to tell you clearly that something needs to be re-evaluated in your life. The purpose of disease and pain is to make you feel uncomfortable. To interrupt the way you are living and to make you pay attention.  It means something has to be changed immediately because there is effectively not enough energy and information in your system to manifest what needs to be manifested. If you struggle by wanting the symptom or pain to just go away.  If you suppress it or ignore it or desire to restore the situation and yourself to the way things were before, nothing changes! Pain is present to guide you, to help you uncover a deeply important truth about yourself.  Suppressing pain stifles some of your greatest opportunities for evolution which leads to amplification of the pain as it strives for a greater means to gain your attention!


When you honour your pain and suffering they become your greatest teachers. They allow you to reach for your deepest resources and to reveal your greatest gifts.


Dr. Kate Rafanelli (Network chiropractor)

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