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Our Methods

At The Changing Room' we determine how your system is resourced.  We do this through gentle and specific analysis. We help you to utilise your most gifted and energised resources to release energy that is bound up in the less resourced parts of your system. This brings your system into coherence. You actively participate in this process and through our facilitation you learn how to move energy and information by yourself with greater ease. You interact with the world with more presence and therefore less effort is required so more of your energy can be directed towards what you desire in life.


Your nervous system is a sensitive and intricate interface between your inside and outside world.  It is protected by the vertebral segments of your spine which give you your core structure and movement via muscle attachments. Your spine is the key player in your perception, your structure, and your behaviour and your posture is a reflection of how you interact with these elements in your life. Therefore your spine not only coordinates body structure and function but it is also responsible for your sense of self.  Persistent emotions, thoughts, and behaviours are anchored into your spinal cord and surrounding structures in specific and characteristic postural patterns.




At 'The Changing Room' we help you to liberate persistent patterns through a very safe and gentle yet powerful chiropractic technique that is continually evolving and refining.   Adjustment sessions are known as Network Entrainments and cue your brain to connect with your body more optimally. Network spinal entrainment contacts are made at precise areas of your spine and surrounding regions at specific tissue depths with specific timing. They are made where there is available energy to promote the development of two unique healing waves. These waves are your own unique self referencing signals. They are associated with spontaneous release of spinal and life tensions and this released energy you use as fuel for spinal reorganisation and enhanced wellness.


Network Entrainments are not classic high-speed low amplitude manual chiropractic adjustments. There are no direct audible 'popping' sounds from these very gentle yet powerful Network contacts. Vertebral and pelvic segments spontaneously oscillate and coordinate through the connection of newfound energy that is directed to them. You will also learn to allow the oscillating rhythm of the heart to take a lead in this process.



We also help you to explore the intimate connection between your mind and internal rhythm through a series of integration exercises known as Somato Respiratory Integration. These exercises utilise gentle touch with the energies of breath and movement.  When your mind loses connection with your body it becomes unaware of the build up of tension in 'real time'.  Whereas when your mind-body is connected you are better able to maintain focus and ease to respond best in whatever life presents to you. These exercises help you to embody the archetypal energies of your thoughts and emotions so you can access your inner healing power. Elements of these exercises will be incorporated seamlessly with your Network Entrainment or where indicated,  can be stand alone sessions.


Improvements in quality of life are evaluated by your own regular self-assessment.  Greater self-awareness and conscious awakening of the relationships between the body, the mind, emotions, and expression of the human spirit are realized through this Reorganizational Healing work. The spiritual experience is not the objective but the BYPRODUCT of a healthy spine, a coherent nervous system and tuned in mind-body connection.  This is why our objective is for you to have a healthy spine and nervous system first and foremost!


The spiritual experience is not the objective itself, but the byproduct of a coherent nervous system!

Dr. Donald Epstein (Chiropractor) developer of Network Care and the Reorganizational Healing system.

NEW Studio Location 

Via Lame 3A

53036 Poggibonsi





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