Kate Rafanelli
Network Chiropractor
The current status quo in healing is to restore by attempting to fix any situation that presents us with discomfort, stress, pain and symptoms. It is essentially avoiding the situation we are confronting now with the objective of moving us back to where we were prior to it's onset. This is usually where we think things were working, however, while this may seem temporarily effective or actually be life saving in the moment, in the long term this does not actually help us move forward in our lives . Those perceptions and behaviors actually contributed to the current state we are in, so looking to the past does not help us progress. We cannot travel back in time and desiring to be who we once were, or where we used to be, only serves to keeps us stuck!
A different approach however utilises the release of bound energy as fuel to reorganise our perceptions, behaviours and physiology. This improves our experience and actually moves us into a more evolved and higher physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy state. Instead of feeling stuck in our lives and our bodies, with more free and readily available energy our system naturally reorganizes to the highest level available to it.