Kate Rafanelli
Network Chiropractor
Scoliosis and Disc Herniation: Common Adaptations of The Spine
Collectively the brain, brain stem and spinal cord are known as the central nervous system. As the name suggests this is the command center of the body. When there is a build up of excessive spinal cord tension, there is also an increase in stress pulling down on the brain stem and the brain because they are connected and continuous with each other. The innate intelligence of the body will do anything it can to try to reduce this stretching tension by using a logic that brings both ends of the spine closer together. The simplest way it attempts this is to produce lateral curvatures which can lead to scoliosis or to reduce disc height between the vertebrae which can lead to the formation of disc herniation. The body will choose which is the most efficient adaptation depending on the energy and resources available to it at the time.
These adaptations may seem part of a system that is broken or defective. On the contrary, they are part of a HIGHLY INTELLIGENT system doing whatever it needs to do to adapt to whatever it needs to adapt to. Prioritizing the command center of the body is perfect adaptation in itself.
With less tension and more flexibility in the spinal cord those previous adaptations are able to change! Energy is released and your spine is able to reorganize, moving you to a higher level. When we give this intelligent system something more efficient to work with, we open it up to new possibilities and allow it a greater range of adaptability.
When we trust and allow this intelligence to do its work without putting our self imposed expectations upon it, we can experience the greatest changes.

Intelligence is the ability to ADAPT to change
Prof. Stephen Hawking